Sixth Marine Division Association Reunions

The Association's Pacific Map is now on display at the USMC's Assault Amphibian School in Camp Pendleton, CA

Reunion Artifacts Find Good Homes

If you've been to one of our reunions, you probably remember seeing the Pacific map, the banners, the regimental flags, and the bell that's rung at the Memorial Service. If you've been to multiple reunions, these artifacts have undoubtedly become pretty special to you. Just seeing the Pacific map hanging in the hospitality room made everyone feel like they were home.

When the decision was made to hold the the line at 50 reunions, the question no one wanted to think about was: What do we do with these treasured mementos?

We tried offering them to museums, but they were not interested. We got lucky with one item though. With the help of Sallie Shepherd, General Lemuel Shepherd's granddaughter, President Connie Houseweart connected with the Assault Amphibious School at Camp Pendleton, who agreed to accept and display the Pacific map. They were even willing to pay for shipping.

Eventually, we decided to hold a silent auction of the remaining items at the Grand Banquet in Fredericksburg. It was a a great success! We raised a lot of money that will be used to fund the newsletter for years to come. And many people are now the proud owners of cherished reunion souvenirs.

Annual Reunion Banner that greeted guests in the hotel lobby

Jane McCalmont stands proudly beside the Annual Reunion
banner, which now has a place of honor in her home beside
husband Bob's U.S. Army flag

Sharon Woodhouse hung the 15th Regiment flag and
Heroes of Okinawa banner in her garage, so they are the
first thing she sees when she comes home

flags at Grand Banquet in the National Museum of the
Marine Corps, Quantico Reunion, 2013

We thank everyone who bid on the reunion artifacts!
Below are the winners:

      US Marine Corps flag -- Mary & Parker Brauer

      1st Provisional Marine banner -- Anita, Melinda & Lisa

      4th Regiment flag -- Leonard & Karen Turner

      15th Regiment flag -- Sharon Woodhouse

      22nd Regiment flag -- Ryan Lacey

      29th Regiment flag -- Craig Salvatore

      Memorial Service bell -- purchased by Mary & Parker Brauer
      for Janet Russell

      Annual Reunon banner -- Bob & Jane McCalmont

      Okinawa the Last Battle banner -- Ross Hood

      Heroes of Okinawa banner -- Sharon Woodhouse

Joe Kite in front of the flags at the
Baltimore Reunion in 2018

Don Honis rings the bell at the Memorial Service,
Oklahoma Reunion, 2016

The Memorial Service bell has a special place in the
home of Janet Russell. It is surrounded by other
treasured items from her late husband Bob's service
with the Marine Corps. The picture of him was painted
by his friend and fellow Sixth Division Marine, the late
Bryce Hill Jr.